Friday, 7 December 2012

Junior Infants

We are preparing for Christmas. We have a Christmas table with a wooden tree Advent candle  and  an Advent calendar .             

Senior infants  and half of first class

We learned about  types of homes in Ireland .
Spanish teachers taught us about Spanish homes.

1st  class  have  started hurling skills and liked it.

First and second class
We made potato  print penguins in art.

 It’s all getting a bit Christmasy here so we also made reindeer in art.

In science we have been learning about robins and we even learnt a song by The Jackson 5 called “Rockin’ Robins”

We also learned a Spanish traditional dance  from our visiting Spanish teachers .

Third and fourth classes

Two Spanish teachers came to are school and with them they brought Seamus in a Spanish soccer teams jersey  Real  Betis.

We made an Advent calendar we coloured it and stuck it together and brought it home with us.

We did narrative writing.
 It’s  been very cold and icy in the school we have had bad weather.
 We wrote  letters to are pen friends and we got letters from them. We played Spanish games with a handkerchief  it was really good fun. We learned some Spanish words and phrases like “whats your name?  My name is ………”
 We all had fun.


Fifth and sixth class

Maria and Manuel the two Spanish teachers taught us how to count to 10 in Spanish “uno, dos tres cuatro cinco seis siete ocho nueve diez”
 We are also learning about Daniel O’Connell in History and learning about books “A Knights Tale”and “A Dragons Tale 

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